Alumni News

Puerto Rico Chapter: Initiation

Puerto Rico Chapter: Initiation

and Board Pass 2018

Author: Yesenia Velez Negron/Saturday, May 19, 2018/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Activity Type:, New Member Development, Chapter Development, Fellowship, Chapter Name:, Puerto Rico, Other Blogs:, Chapter Spotlight, Chapter News

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On May 18, 2018 in the Jesús T. Piñero Building, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez. We welcomed 15 new brothers and sisters to the chapter. Also, we welcomed the new Officer Team. We want to congratulate our new team for 2018-2019 academic year.

Our new officers are:

Chancellor- Elimar Ruiz Cortés

Censor- Hery Ríos Guzmán

Treasurer- Carlos Falto Zeno and Marina Del Mar Ortiz Elías

  Scribe- Irenelys K Colón Manso and Alondra S. Crespo Rivera

Chronicler- Adriana Rivera Gracia y Karissa N Castañer González

Sargent at Arms- Jonathan Collazo Figueroa and Ashley N Torres Saez

We wish you the greatest success for this academic year!


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