Florida chapter's new pledge class is super studious! Here is a picture of the pledges at their second study social. It was a great way to collaborate on homework and learning material while also getting to know each other and enjoying some donuts.
Monday, March 23, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5921)/Comments (0)/
This Sunday the new Alpha Zeta pledges ran a concessions stand for Florida’s baseball team against Tennessee. Ten pledges volunteered which upgraded us to a bigger stand that typically sells more food and brings in more money. When the crowd wasn’t there, it was nice to socialize and bond with the brothers. It was also a great way for us to communicate by passing along orders and working together. Overall, we made quite a bit of money from our stand just with 10% back from sales and had a great time doing it. The baseball team won too! - Carson Cooper, PC Fundraising Chair
Monday, March 16, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6021)/Comments (0)/
This past Saturday the new Alpha Zeta pledge class held a restaurant fundraiser at a local frozen yogurt vendor called Yogurtology. It was a great way for the pledge class to kick off fundraising because we got to eat super yummy fro-yo. If you went with brothers, it was nice to socialize while helping out our organization and if you went with non-AZ friends it was a great way to get them involved in supporting AZ! It was super easy to set up too—just try emailing local business to see if they’ll give you a percentage of their sales for one night. - Carson Cooper, PC Fundraising Chair
Monday, March 16, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5866)/Comments (0)/
This semester I organized a scavenger hunt around campus for the pledges. At each station, they found brothers waiting to give them the next clue. The pledges split up into two teams, and the team that got back first got an extra hour to go in any category that they want (social, fundraising, or service). It was really fun organizing and seeing them all run around campus and working together to finish their hunt. Afterwards, we had a reflection time to discuss team-work and some challenges they may have faced. This was a great event that brought out the strengths of the pledges and allowed them to bond together while achieving a goal.
Monday, March 16, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6301)/Comments (0)/
I like to start off the first couple of pledge meetings with an ice breaker. This ice breaker involves 2 items: post-it notes and a pen. I wrote a person, place or thing on the post-it note and placed it on the pledges forehead. They then had to go around and ask yes or no questions in order to figure out who/what they are. It was a great activity to get everyone up and moving!
Monday, March 16, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6331)/Comments (0)/
On February 10th, the pledges had their first meeting of the semester. After our fun rush week and interviews, we welcomed the new pledges. I explained the meaning and importance of Alpha Zeta, as well as the history of the Florida Chapter. We also elected the new pledge class officers, congratulations to:
PC Chancellor: Madison
PC Censor: Katie B.
PC Treasurer: Marlee
PC Scribe: Katie C.
PC Chronicler: Devin
Fundraising Chair: Carson
Social Chair: Julie
Service Chair: Olivia
Potluck: Ashley
We can’t wait to see the amazing things you accomplish this semester!
Monday, March 16, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5887)/Comments (0)/
On February 22, the Florida Chapter
climbed to new heights at the University of Florida's own Lake Wauburg
Challenge course for some serious team building. We started the day off
with some silly games to get our bodies moving and then we transitioned to the
low ropes course. The low ropes exercises allowed us to come together as
a team and work our way through some crazy obstacles. After lunch we
geared up for the high ropes course. Of the many obstacles we did, some
of the brothers' favorites were the Pamper's pole, which is a jump off of a 30
feet high, freestanding telephone pole, and the zip line. I am so proud
of our chapter because so many brothers conquered their fears of heights and
pushed their limits, and so many others stepped up into leadership roles.
This was a great event for this time of year because it gave the chapter a
chance to see prospective officers for our upcoming elections. The entire chapter had a great time and we
are definitely looking forward to doing it again in the future!
Friday, March 13, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5348)/Comments (0)/
week, brothers of the Florida Chapter coordinated with our current pledge class
to conduct our first road clean up of the year!
We clean our road (which we adopted through the local Adopt-A-Street
program) at least six times a year, so brothers are quite familiar with the
process. It was fun to be able to
introduce some of the pledge class to what has become a service tradition for
our chapter!
Tuesday, March 3, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6481)/Comments (0)/
Saturday, February 21st, the Florida Chapter participated in Project
Makeover. Project Makeover is a
student-run nonprofit at the University of Florida that chooses an elementary
school in Alachua County to makeover each year.
The projects are focused on improving the learning environment for
students, whether it is through grounds beautification or the introduction of
new learning tools. This year's school
was Metcalfe Elementary, and the overarching theme of the project was
"play". Our time at Project
Makeover was spent beautifying one of the school's playgrounds. We raked up bags and bags of leaves and pine needles, and we collected pine cones to be used for art projects. Project Makeover was a perfect way to get
connected to the community in a way we hadn't before, and we look forward to
participating again in the future to help improve local education where we can.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5670)/Comments (0)/
Saturday, February 7th, brothers from the Florida Chapter spent the morning at
Wilmot Gardens. Wilmot Gardens is a 5
acre area located on campus. The garden
serves the UF community as well as the patients receiving care at the Shands
Medical Plaza adjacent to campus. Wilmot
Gardens is currently undergoing a restoration project that is focused on creating
healing and meditation areas. During our
service at Wilmot Gardens, we helped with ground and plant maintenance for
areas included in the restoration project.
The weather was beautiful, and we enjoyed getting our hands dirty while
contributing to a garden with such a great mission for our community!
Tuesday, March 3, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5985)/Comments (0)/