Chapter Activity Reports

North Carolina Chapter Farm Tour to Muscadine Grape Farm

North Carolina Chapter Farm Tour to Muscadine Grape Farm

On September 19th, 2020, thirteen Active Brothers and an Alumni from the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta traveled (or tuned in via Zoom) to Bladen County for a farm tour of the Barber Family Farm. The Barber Farm (90 acres) is a contract grower to the Duplin Winery. They grow two different varieties of Muscadine grapes, Carlos and Dorine. Brothers got the opportunity to watch the grapes being harvested in season by a grape combine harvester. One box (pictured) holds about 1,500 pounds of grapes. One 18-wheeler truck load of 38 boxes of grapes can weigh 28 to 30 tons. Thank you to Brother Barber, Sonya, George and Luke for letting us visit and giving us such a wonderful and interesting tour!

Monday, September 21, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (8349)/Comments (0)/
Small Grains Extension Farm Tour- North Carolina Chapter

Small Grains Extension Farm Tour- North Carolina Chapter

On Thursday April 23rd, several members of the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta attended a pre-recorded virtual field day of NC Small Grains via Zoom. This research station managed by North Carolina State University is located in Salisbury, North Carolina. In our virtual tour, we learned about weed control, fungicides, malting barley and much more. A big thank you goes out to our alumni, Kaitlyn Milstein, who not only brought this experience to our attention but was generous enough to join our Zoom call and answer a few questions about the tour and gave us guidance in our discussion. Additionally, thank you to NC State Extension for providing this wonderful educational resource for students like us.  

If anyone is interested, here is a link to Small Grains Extension’s youtube channel where we accessed the videos:  

Tuesday, June 9, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (6346)/Comments (0)/
Farm Bureau LOVE sign event

Farm Bureau LOVE sign event

Virginia Chapter

This past winter, our members created a beautiful LOVE sign for our organization and competed to win against other clubs from the college. Pictured is some of our amAZing volunteers for the day with their decorated sign during the tailgate event with Farm Bureau.

Friday, May 1, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (7032)/Comments (0)/
Tuesday, November 19, 2019/Author: Anonym/Number of views (14000)/Comments (0)/
Tuesday, November 5, 2019/Author: Anonym/Number of views (13238)/Comments (0)/
Class 20 of Townshend Chapter in Brazil

Class 20 of Townshend Chapter in Brazil

From January to February of 2019, Class 20 of the Townshend chapter traveled to Brazil to study agriculture, engage in the culture, and provide service to the community.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019/Author: Anonym/Number of views (13699)/Comments (0)/
Cal Epsilon at Zoo Ag Day

Cal Epsilon at Zoo Ag Day

Zoo Ag Day went off without a hitch!

Monday, May 6, 2019/Author: Anonym/Number of views (9262)/Comments (0)/
Cornell AZ Garden Harvest of 2018

Cornell AZ Garden Harvest of 2018

Horticulturalist Isabella Yanuzzi outdid herself this growing season as she raked in the goods this past fall. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019/Author: Anonym/Number of views (9439)/Comments (0)/
Cornell AZ Puts on Ag Day at CALS October 12, 2018

Cornell AZ Puts on Ag Day at CALS October 12, 2018

AZ’s very own Senior Ag Day Chair Marlie Lukach, and Junior Ag Day Chair Sammy Merrill, pulled off a very successful Ag Day this October

Tuesday, February 19, 2019/Author: Anonym/Number of views (12988)/Comments (0)/
Cornell Attends NYS Agricultural Society Forum

Cornell Attends NYS Agricultural Society Forum

On January 10, 2019, our chancellor, Allyson Wentworth, attended the NYS Agricultural Society Forum.

Monday, February 11, 2019/Author: Anonym/Number of views (9552)/Comments (0)/