Chapter Activity Reports

Alpha Zeta Partner’s Townshend Chapter Class 21 Initiation

Alpha Zeta Partner’s Townshend Chapter Class 21 Initiation

Author: Whitney Wilgus/Tuesday, May 7, 2019/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, New Member Development, Fellowship, Townshend

Sixteen new members were initiated into Class 21 of the chapter and they can't wait to watch their growth and impact on the organization. The award of Outstanding New Member was given to Meredith Olgesby. Outstanding Member was awarded to Elizabeth Landis. Their very own advisor, Jeff King, was awarded the Newcomb Leadership and Service Award for his help and sacrifice to lead this amazing program! Guest speaker, Dr. Jill Pfister, gave a great presentation urging them to follow their dreams and take every opportunity available.

Overall, it was a time to enjoy each other's company, reminisce on fond memories, and celebrate the future of Alpha Zeta Partners!


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